Leave it to Nature –  BioOne

Leave it to Nature – BioOne

Leave it to Nature to come up with the perfect solutions for our messes. When it comes to getting rid of our own natural, organic wastes—from food, grease and gunk to your “you know what”—Nature has the answer: bacteria! Hungry super bacteria are what eat the gunk we...


Susan | Office Manager Holidays loom large in Susan Proctor’s life. Not only did Susan start her new role on Halloween—her birthday is Valentine’s Day. She’s originally from Buffalo and has been married for 24 years. Her son is an Army soldier, and her daughter is a...
When is an Emergency NOT an Emergency?

When is an Emergency NOT an Emergency?

How can you tell when to make that emergency call, when you can wait till morning, and when to call your utility company instead? When is an emergency NOT an emergency? How can you tell a true plumbing emergency from something that requires a normal repair call—or...