Looking to cut down your monthly utility bills and help the environment at the same time?  Fortunately, saving money and helping the environment often go hand-in-hand.  If you still have appliances made in the 1990s or earlier, it is probably time to consider replacing some of those old appliance, because appliance technology has come a long way in the last 20 years.

Trailer With Home Appliances. Tv And Washing Machine

Which Appliances Should I Replace First?

If your appliances are inefficient, old or worn out, consider replacing them with high efficiency, Energy Star models.  Replacing these three appliances will give you the biggest bang for your buck and highest return on investment: hot water heater, refrigerator, and washing machine.

Hot Water Heater

  • The Department of Energy claims 14% of our home energy use is devoted to heating water.  The cost of replacing a hot water heater is relatively low compared to replacing a furnace or air conditioning unit.  Convert your hot water to gas, if it is available, and consider a tank-less system.  These conversions can save you about $100 a year.


  • The refrigerators being made today are approximately 40 to 60 percent more efficient than units build in the 1990s.  For an investment of about $1,100, you can save as much as $100 – $200 per year, which means the unit will pay for itself over the course of its lifetime.

Washing Machine

  • Energy efficient washing machines require less water and less electricity, using 10-20 gallons per load versus traditional washers that use 30 to 35 gallons per load. An energy efficient washing machine can save approximately $135 per year in water and electricity.  Unfortunately, the technology for dryers has not experienced as many energy efficient advances, so we don’t recommend replacing your dryer until necessary.

Save More Than $300 Per Year

All three of these appliance can be replaced for about $1,000 each and could save your family approximately $335 to $435 per year in utility expenses.  Save money and lessen your family’s impact on the environment at the same time.  Robinson’s Plumbing is the best plumbing company in Richmond, because we care about your family, our city, and the environment as much as you do.  Follow us on Facebook for more home tips and plumbing advice.